BrightEyes-ISM’s documentation

BrightEyes-ISM is a Python package for analysing and simulating Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM) datasets.

BrightEyes-ISM Logo

Read about BrightEyes-ISM here:

Zunino, A., Slenders, E., Fersini, F. et al. Open-source tools enable accessible and advanced image scanning microscopy data analysis. Nat. Photon. (2023).

BrightEyes-ISM contains the following modules.

The analysis module contains libraries for:

The simulation module contains libraries for:

The dataio module contains libraries for

Note that all the image processing functions assume that the detector array has a squared geometry. Datasets acquired with a non-cartesian arrangement (e.g. AiryScan) might require additional pre-processing.

Indices and tables